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4) What is the proudest moment of your life or most memorable day?

The most memorable day of my life was being crowned Miss South Carolina USA. I worked so hard to prepare for this years competition and it really showed me how much my hard work could pay off. I am so lucky to have such a huge support system, and when I was crowned I felt so proud of myself and lucky to have such special people surrounding me.


5) What are your beauty secrets?

One of my beauty secrets is to put coconut oil in as many foods as possible. It is a wonderful oil that is known to rebuild skin tissue and it can be used both topically and internally, on a regular basis, for the elimination of wrinkles. I try to use coconut oil as much as I can to hydrate my skin and prevent wrinkles.


6) Any messages for your fans?

I want to sincerely thank everyone who has continuously supported me for who I am. I am so grateful for all the kindness and encouragement that I am receiving through this exciting time. I am also very thankful for everyone’s unconditional dedication to me that makes me work my hardest, and without all of you I would not be the person I am today!




Interview Miss South Carolina USA 2014 - Christina Zapolski


1) Tell us something really interesting about you.

I moved to Istanbul, Turkey for the summer after getting placed with a modeling agency there. It was after my freshman year of college, and I just got on a plane and went for it! The experience taught me a lot about trusting myself and I enjoyed a lot of valuable life lessons through my travels and career experiences in Turkey.


2) Why did you decide to compete in the Miss South Carolina USA pageant?

I entered Miss South Carolina USA 2014 to become Miss USA and Miss Universe. I wanted to win Miss South Carolina USA to expand my community service and to advance my work to become a role model for all people, particularly young women.


3) What was going through your head when you were announced as the new Miss South Carolina USA?

When I herd my name as the new Miss South Carolina USA, the feeling was indescribable. I think every contestant pictures that moment, but after experiencing it, it was like nothing I had ever experienced in my life. I kept looking out into the crowd and seeing people from every direction that could not have been happier for me, and that is something I will never forget.



Photos by Carter Studios Inc.
Thanks you Christina !

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Carter Studios Inc./Sage Media Group

Carter Studios Inc./Sage Media Group

photo by Sage Media Group

photo by Sage Media Group

photo by Carter Studios Inc.

photo by Carter Studios Inc.

photo by Younique Beauty

photo by Younique Beauty

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