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4) What is the proudest moment of your life or most memorable day?

My most memorable moment of my life thus far has still got to be making my collegiate dace team my freshman year! It was a small team and making the cut made the hard work I had put into dance throughout my life worth it. I wanted so badly to be apart of that team and knowing that I was good enough was a feeling that will never be replaced!


5) What are your beauty secrets?

Drink lots of water, don't wear heavy make-up when you don't have to, NEVER sleep in your makeup, and moisturize. But I live by the Audrey Hepburn quote "Happy girls are the prettiest" so just keeping yourself happy by doing what you love!


6) Any messages for your fans?

I've heard way too often how I'll never be able to do something or accomplish something for whatever reason. Time and time again I never let that stop me from perusing what I want bc at the end of the day what people say I can't do never dictates what I actually can! So dream BIG, because your dreams are who you want to be...and you should never want to be mediocre!y!




Interview Miss South Carolina USA 2013 - Megan Pinckney


1) Tell us something really interesting about you.

I began collecting Vogue magazines in the eighth grade!!! I have dozens of issues and collect international copies when I travel! Those magazines were a huge influence when I chose to major in fashion merchandising!


2) Why did you decide to compete in the Miss South Carolina USA pageant?

After competing in the 2010 Miss Teen USA pageant and not placing I felt like I had "unfinished business" left in my pageant career so that was a HUGE motivation! However, I also chose to compete so that I would be able to promote my program "Karacter begins with K" as a titleholder and serve as a role model to girls all over of how anything is possible and with hard work and determination, dreams really do come true!


3) What was going through your head when you were announced as the new Miss South Carolina USA?

All I could think about as I was standing on stage in the final two is "Please let it be me, please let it be me! I have so much that I know I can do with this title". And for a split second during that moment I thought of my mom's face the night I won Miss SC Teen USA and I would give anything to see that face again that night!! Of course, the moment I saw her she gave me the same look she did three years before and it meant the world to me.



Thanks you Megan !
Photo by Carter Studios Inc.
Photo by Fadil Berisha
photo by Fadil Berisha

photo by Fadil Berisha

photo by Fadil Berisha

photo by Fadil Berisha

photo by select studios photography

photo by select studios photography

In Miss USA 2013

In Miss USA 2013

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