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4) What is the proudest moment of your life or most memorable day?

Besides being crowned Miss Nebraska Teen USA 2010 and Miss Nebraska USA 2014, (both of those have meant so much to me), I would say the proudest moment of my life was the day my little sister was born. I remember every aspect of that day like it was yesterday. I had been an only child for 10 years and wanted nothing more than a sibling. I remember how proud I was to go to school that day, knowing by the end of the day I would have a sister! I wore a shirt that my parents got me saying, “I’m a big sister” on the front. Ah, brings tears to my eyes!


5) What are your beauty secrets?

A few months ago, I got a Clarisonic from one of my sponsors. I have no idea how I went 22 years without it because it is AMAZING. My skin is so smooth and clean. I have a hard time with my face being dry in the winter and now I hardly ever have to deal with it! On top of that, I found a mask called GlamGlow, which is also life changing for dry skin!


6) Any messages for your fans?

Yes! I just want to thank everyone for their support during my journey to Miss USA. Especially the people from my hometown. They have been so invested in what I’m doing and so many have reached out to me to show that! Also, to everyone who has interviewed me for their website or Instagram, that means the world to me!



Interview Miss Nebraska USA 2014 - Amanda Soltero


1) Tell us something really interesting about you.

I have one sister and she is 10 years younger than me, all because my mom was in an airplane crash and broke her back and had to have multiple surgeries, which didn’t allow for her to have anymore kids. I’m so glad she healed because I don’t know what I would do without my sister.


2) Why did you decide to compete in the Miss Nebraska USA pageant?

I’m a firm believer that the crown gives you credibility. I am very passionate about pediatric cancer research and finding a cure. A family friend of mine, 6-year-old Sammy Nahorny, was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma, and when his family looked into it, they found out that funding for pediatric cancer research is lacking way too much. They started a non-profit organization called Sammy’s Superheroes, to fund all of the kinds of pediatric cancer research. I knew that if I won, I would be able to use my title to spread the word about how important this is!


3) What was going through your head when you were announced as the new Miss Nebraska USA?

My crowning was a bit different! My directors, at Vanbros and Associates Inc., do the Miss and Teen crowning at the same time. They bring the final two Miss and the final two Teen’s together and announce the names of the first-runner ups back to back. In my head, I kept telling myself that I just wanted to hear the other Miss title, Elkhorn USA, because that would mean that I won. Little did I know, there was also an Elkhorn TEEN USA left on the other side. Well, that Elkhorn Teen USA was announced first-runner up and I reacted to that, thinking it was mine own. It was so loud in there, I could hardly hear! It didn’t occur to me until the emcee said, “And the first-runner up to Miss Nebraska USA is…” Then I just got scared that I was about to be so embarrassed if I wasn’t the winner, after thinking I had won. I guess it worked out J. I just cried tears of joy after that!



Photos by Fadil Berisha
Thanks you Amanda !
Rachel Imdieke Photography

Rachel Imdieke Photography

Rachel Imdieke Photography

Rachel Imdieke Photography

Rachel Imdieke Photography

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