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4) What is the proudest moment of your life or most memorable day?

The day I was crowned Miss Montana USA was by far my most proud moment. I’ve never felt the emotions I felt that night when my name was announced as the new Miss Montana USA. And even more rewarding is when your family hugs you and tells you how proud they are of you. I look back at pictures of my crowning moment and still get those butterflies, it’s an indescribable feeling


!5) What are your beauty secrets?

My greatest beauty secret is coconut oil. I use it for everything as far as shaving my legs, body moisturizer, deep-conditioner, hand lotion for dry hands, and to remove eye makeup.


6) Any messages for your fans?

I’d like to thank my support system, and fans out there that have given me the confidence and strength to compete. You all are why I love what I do and keep me motivated to succeed and be a better version of myself. I hope I can inspire you all like you have inspired me and continue to keep making you proud! I am so honored to be representing the great state of Montana and will be giving it my all, up on that Miss USA stage!




Interview Miss Montana USA 2014 - Kadie Latimer


1) Tell us something really interesting about you.

I am the biggest penny pincher. I will do anything to save a couple dollars. My whole wardrobe consists of consignment clothes that I buy at second hand stores. I’m not a name brand girl, I like to recreate my own style.


2) Why did you decide to compete in the Miss Miontana USA pageant?

I was approached by someone who I now call my “Paggy Mom” to enter the pageant because she believed I could be the girl to break the 50 year curse of not making the top 15 at Miss USA. After a lot of convincing I entered the Miss MT USA pageant, set goals for myself and took it as a challenge to become a better version of myself throughout this journey. Her confidence in me gave me the strength to jump out of my comfort zone and compete in my first pageant.


3) What was going through your head when you were announced as the new Miss Montana USA?

Well I was holding hands with one of my close friends who also happened to be my roommate in college, so that 



moment was very special. I was already in shock from making top five, by this time I had tears building up. Since it was my first pageant.

I had no expectations but to just have fun, I was awaiting for my name to be called for 1st runner up and when I didn’t hear my name my jaw dropped and my hands dropped to my knees. I couldn’t believe it, I looked out to the crowd and saw my family in tears and that’s when I knew I was the new Miss Montana USA.





Thanks you Kadie !

More photos of Kadie in:

  • Wix Facebook page
Jerry and Lois Photography

Jerry and Lois Photography

Jerry and Lois Photography

Jerry and Lois Photography

Jerry and Lois Photography

Jerry and Lois Photography

Jerry and Lois Photography

Jerry and Lois Photography

D'orr Fine-art Portraiture

D'orr Fine-art Portraiture

Photos by D'orr Fine-art Portraiture
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