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there to witness it. I’ll never forget the rush of emotions that came over me when I heard my name announced as the winner. It truly was an amazing moment.


4) What is the proudest moment of your life or most memorable day?

After graduating college early, with a 3.7 GPA and in the Top 10% of my class, I was the first person in my family to graduate college, and I helped pay my way through college, so it meant a lot to me to prove to myself and everyone else that hard work and persistence really does pay off.


5) What are your beauty secrets?

My beauty secret is to moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. My Aunt Amy told me this when I was a little girl, and I still believe it is one of the main reasons my skin is in such good shape.


6) Any messages for your fans?

I am so thankful for all of my fans and supporters. The people I have met through pageantry have become like family to me. They support me through everything. Having a strong fan base and support system makes the hardest days a little bit easier and the exciting moments just a little bit more glorious. I am so blessed to have fans from across the country that will be rooting for Mississippi this summer at Miss USA!




Interview Miss Mississippi USA 2014 - Chelsea Reardon


1) Tell us something really interesting about you.

I was quite the jock growing up. I set three records at my high school for basketball. I always say that I went from high tops to high heels! :)


2) Why did you decide to compete in the Miss Mississippi USA pageant?

I competed in pageants throughout college and the scholarship money I won helped pay my way through school. I saw the benefits of pageantry first hand in my job interviews and on my resume. I wanted the chance to go to the “big leagues” and compete against top-notch women from across the country because I am extremely competitive. I have loved reaping the benefits that pageants have given me in my professional career.


3) What was going through your head when you were announced as the new Miss Mississippi USA?

“Mommy!”…..That was all I could say, and I kept saying it in my head over and over again. She has helped me through this journey since it began when I was three years old. It meant the world that my family and friends were 



Photo by Kristy Belcher Photography
Thanks you Chelsea !
AJ Day Photography/Michael Solberg

AJ Day Photography/Michael Solberg

photos by Michael Solberg

photos by Michael Solberg

photo by Michael Solberg

photo by Michael Solberg

photo by Fadil Berisha

photo by Fadil Berisha

photo by Fadil Berisha

photo by Fadil Berisha

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Photo by Matt Boyd Photography
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