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4) What is the proudest moment of your life or most memorable day?

Graduating from Auburn University is the proudest moment of my life so far. I have always put a high priority on my education and it felt amazing to have my hard work pay off and walk across that stage.


5) What are your beauty secrets?

Hydration. Drink lots of water and moisturize!


6) Any messages for your fans?

Go after your dreams and make sure, above all else, you are happy! Thank you all for your love and support.




Interview Miss Alabama USA 2014 - Jesica Ahlberg



1) Tell us something really interesting about you.

I’m Finnish and my dad’s real name is Thor!


2) Why did you decide to compete in the Miss Alabama USA pageant?

I have big dreams in the entertainment world. Miss Alabama USA is a great stepping stone to help me reach my goals.


3) What was going through your head when you were announced as the new Miss Alabama USA?

I was in complete shock. I had to take a second to be sure they called me as the winner beforeI even reacted, for fear of embarrassment. I was trying so hard not to cry, but it was impossible.I was so happy!



Photos by Carter Studios Inc.
Thanks you Jesica !

More photos of Jesica in:

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Carter Studios Inc./Sage Media Group

Carter Studios Inc./Sage Media Group

photo by Sage Media Group

photo by Sage Media Group

photo by Carter Studios Inc.

photo by Carter Studios Inc.

photo by Carter Studios Inc.

photo by Carter Studios Inc.

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