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Interview Miss Alabama USA 2013 - Mary-Margaret McCord


1) Tell us something really interesting about you.

I was born with a hole in my heart and still have it to this day! If you listen to my heart, it makes a different sound than usual!


2) Why did you decide to compete in the Miss Alabama USA pageant?

I wanted a new challenge. I heard of the Miss AL USA pageant and I decided to sign up a month and a half before the actual pageant. It gave me something to work for on a daily basis.


3) What was going through your head when you were announced as the new Miss Alabama USA?

I think the biggest emotion was relief. It was my third year to compete in Miss AL USA, and I had just gotten 1st runner up the year before, so I did not want the same outcome! I was so excited that my name was called! I did not think I would cry but the tears would not stop falling! I knew my life would never be the same!



4) What is the proudest moment of your life or most memorable day?

Honestly, the day I won Miss AL USA was one of my proudest moments, not because I won a state title but because it showed me that dedication and perseverance do pay off. I learned that if you have a dream, you should never give up in the sight of disappointment. Getting over the down falls is what makes you stronger and ready to fully accept the success headed your way.


5) What are your beauty secrets?

Most people do not realize that the main ingredient in whitening strips is hydrogen peroxide! I like to save some money and use hydrogen peroxide on my teeth to keep them white! All you have to do is dip a Q-tip in the hydrogen peroxide and rub it on your teeth. Let it sit for about 5 minutes and then brush your teeth! If you do it every day, you will definitely notice the difference!


6) Any messages for your fans?

Thank you to everyone who has reached out to me and expressed their support! I am so grateful to have such wonderful and kind fans!!! It is my fans that keep me pushing and striving to be greater! I hope to make everyone proud at Miss USA!




Photos by Fadil Berisha
Thanks you Mary !

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photo by Fadil Berisha

photo by Fadil Berisha

photo by Fadil Berisha

photo by Fadil Berisha

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Top 6 in Miss USA 2013

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